Ben Gyula Fodor, geb. in Dorog / Drostdorf, Ungarn. Fodor lebt seit seiner Flucht aus Ungarn im Jahr 1981 in Wien und ist seit 2000 Kunstbetrieb präsent. Fodor arbeitet in den Medien Fotografie, Installation, Zeichnung, Performance; solo und seit 2015 auch im Künstler/innenduo Time Gates. Fodors Arbeit beschreibt einen Bogen von der künstlerischen Untersuchung vergangener und aktueller Utopien und Dystopien (Zyklus Incipit Vita Nova) bis zur Auslotung künftiger „utopischer“ Räume (Serien Carmine, Horizon).
Dem ging eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem „Schwebezustand“ voran, der die kreative und bereichernde Seiteder Entwurzelung durch Migration darstellt (Serie noosphere).

Als visuelle Entsprechung zu all dem geht es ihm um eine Überwindung des konventionellen perspektivischen Sehens und damit um eine neue Räumlichkeit – imBildraum und darüber hinaus. Mit Arbeiten im öffentlichen Raum (Fodors Wall, Future Skills, Photocube no door)
adressiert er auch globale gesellschaftspolitische Themen. „Fodors Bilder sind Grenzmarkierungen, Dokumente eines Grenzgängers. Er erreicht Momente, die uns wie Rissein der Wirklichkeit erscheinen:

Das irritierend Fremde, Unbekannte und manchmal Rätselhafte seiner Bilder zeigt uns die Markierung und lässt uns jenseits der Grenze neues und anderes Sichtbares ahnen.“ (Cathrin Pichler)

Arbeiten u.a. in der Sammlung des MUMOK Wien und des Museums der Schönen Künste Budapest. Ausstellungen
und Projekte (Auswahl): Kunsthalle Wien, Ludwig Museum u. Vasarely Museum Budapest, Museum Jena, school of kyiv department Vienna, steirischer herbst, Marcello Farabegoli Projects / Rudolf Leeb Galerie, Walden Projektraum
Berlin, Galerie Christine König. Künstlerbücher: noosphere sowie Incipit Vita Nova (Kerber Berlin).

 Gruppen- und Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)


# Austrian Cultural Forum New York: thematic show TOUCH NATURE (curated by Sabine Fellner and Stephanie Buhmann): Studies on Green by TIME GATES  (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank).

# Central Garden Vienna: Artistic Boat Parade by TIME GATES  (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank), at the festival LITTLE DONAU III. Euro-asian water plays (curated by Dorothee Frank).

# Place du Luxembourg Brussels in cooperation with Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels: Fodor´s Wall, installation in public space and performance by TIME GATES  (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank).

# ASIATOPIA International Performance Art Festival Bankok: Performance Science Fiction Vanitas by TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank)


# Light Art Museum Budapest, opening show.

# Künstlerhaus Vienna: 1503. Mitgliederausstellung, curated by Georg Schöllhammer & Fanny Hauser.

# Parallel Editions Vienna @SCHUMANN 3: Descartes' Brain by TIME GATES.

# Central Garden Vienna: by TIME GATES  (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank), at the festival LITTLE DONAU II

# Vasarely Museum Budapest: TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank) and  THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL IS OF A DIFFERENT COLOUR. Media art project on the large billboard in Keleti Train Station Budapest


# Sonic Narratives Festival of Simultan Association Timisoara: Riverscreen Cinema by TIME GATES  (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank):

# Central Garten Vienna: by TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank), LITTLE DONAU I. Riverscreen Cinema, 

# Harald Bichler space and content gallery: Solo exhibition Incipit Vita Nova, Schleifmühlgasse Vienna.

# Marcello Farabegoli Projects Vienna in cooperation with FOTO WIEN:THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL IS OF A DIFFERENT COLOUR. Media art project on advertising screens and billboards by TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank):   4.3. - 15.4.


# Walden Gallery Berlin: Hommage an K. The /Doorkeeper by TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank).

# Walden Gallery Berlin: Nothing Except Drawings vol.6

# From Nowhere to Nowhere, Wien (curated by Claudia Schumann /Tatjana Hardikov): Photocube NO DOOR and Hommage an K./ The Doorkeeper by TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank)


# Art Quarter Budapest /Performance Festival: Science Fiction Vanitas, performance by TIME GATES (Ben G. Fodor & Dorothee Frank)

# MEDO artspace Vienna (curated by Hongwei Duan): group showTipping Point

# Messer Galllery Vienna: "blau...als farbe schön und wahr"

# Parallel Vienna: artist statement

# Vasarely Museum Budapest: "Moon Museum"  curated by Marton Orosz.

# Marcello Farabegoli Projects: "Eat me"  Photo novel and performance, world premiere and exhibition.@ Studio Kucsko. Matthias Loibner: composition / hurdy gurdy / electronics. Actor: Christoph Dostal. Lyrics / script: Dorothee Frank


# Ars Electronica Linz: "Carmine"

# Belvedere 21: Performance What ist Utopia. Electro-philosophical Odysse by Fodor (images) & Frank (concept, texts) & Sillyconductor (Electronics). With the actresses / actors Gerti Drassl, Christiane von Poelnitz, Karl Markovics:

# Parallel Vienna: artist intervention Photocube „no door“


# Rudolf Leeb gallery (ARCC): Solo exhibition Carmine, curated by Marcello Farabegoli Projects, Vienna Art Week/

# Parallel Vienna: group show Parallel und Konkordant @Parallel Vienna, curated by Marcello Farabegoli and Lucas Gehrmann

# Long art night in the factory oft the entrepreneur and collector Gerald Hanisch / Linz: installation Carmine


# school of kyiv / department Vienna, curated by Georg Schöllhammer / Hedwig Saxenhuber): The Wall, installation in public space

# Ludwig Museum Budapest: light and photo installation „Carmine“


# Steinbrener Dempf & Huber: "Wandzeitung" (show 'round the clock) in the display windows of the artists' studio  / in Vienna's second district: "Future Skills"

# Academy of Fine Arts Vienna ("Semperdepot"): "Utopia Station": Performance with projected works, electronic music and texts, at the studio building of the Featuring Sillyconductor and Karl Menrad (acting).

# Milchhof Pavilion Berlin: Group show "U-Topia" on the occasion of the launch of "Prolog 4", magazine for drawing and text.

# Kunstsammlung Jena Germany: museum solo show "Incipit Vita Nova

# MAK / Schindler House Los Angeles.: Panel discussion and performative book launch I.V.N.


# The Barn: St. John´s College Oxford/UK in cooperation with ZKM Karlsruhe: Total Potemkin. Ben G. Fodor and Marc Adrian

# Kepes Institute Eger/Hungary: Incipit Vita Nova.

# Artist book Incipit Vita Nova (Kerber publishers Berlin), booklaunch at Secession Vienna

Q202 Vienna/Austria,Café Sperlhof: TV Screen Bets. Game for Guests

Gallery of the City of Dorog/Hungary I.V.N  


# ‚Zollamt’ Bad Radkersburg/Austria: Art Politics Religion Civilisation Border.

Guest artist and guest cook at the Freitagsküche Frankfurt am Main/Germany.

forum experimentelle architektur Vienna/Austria: Potemkin Project.


near Bozen, South Tyrol/Italy


# Museumsquartier and Leopoldmuseum: Vienna/Austria: Performance "Madonna Now".

Viertelfestival Lower Austria: Artistic poster action "The Promised Train", using film stills of actors

and extras, and featuring Karl Markovics (leading actor in the Academy Award winning film (The Counterfeiters).


# Leopold Museum Vienna/Austria: Ringturm. Kunst. The Vienna Insurance Group Collection.

# Minoriten Galerien Graz/Austria.


# Brukenthal Museum Sibiu and Ivan Gallery: Solo show "Total Potemkin" — a brief introduction,

Bucharest, during Bucharest Biennial 


# MUSA (Museum auf Abruf) Vienna/Austria: Stark bewölkt – flüchtige Erscheinungen des Himmels

(‘Overcast and Cloudy – Fleeting Appearances in the Sky’)


# Photon gallery Ljubljana/Slovenia: Solo show noosphere

Wien Museum, Vienna/Austria: commissioned work for the exhibition Im Puls der Stadt — 2000

# Wien Museum: Jahre Karlsplatz (‘Pulse of the City — 200 Years of Karlsplatz’).

Installation for the project Mitten im Achten as part of the Vienna Festival/Into the City,

Vienna/Austria. Participation in the exhibition, as well as installation in the public space, as part of

the main exhibition of the steirischer herbst festival at the Minoriten Galerien, Graz/Austria: Wie du

mir — Gegenbilder für transkulturelles Denken und Handeln (‘As You Me. Counterimages for

Transcultural Thinking and Action’).

# Awarded an artist’s studio by the City of Vienna.


# Artist’s book noosphere: presentation at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg, among others.

Featured artist for programme media at the Salzburg Festival.

# Month of Photography Bratislava/Slovakia: Solo show "noosphere",


# Kodeljevo Castle Ljubljana/Slovenia: "Props & Prostheses", Month of Photography Ljubljana

(curated by Walter Seidl).

Thomas Keller Gallery Siegen/Germany


# Centro Culturale Europeo of the Fondazione Banca Carige: Genova scatti europei. Solo show at

the Gallery of the City of Dorog/Hungary


# Mücsarnok Budapest/Hungary: "The Hidden Holocaust"


Kunsthalle Vienna/Austria: "Attack" — Art and War in Media Times.

Kunst Zürich art fair/Switzerland Zugluft, exhibition of Austrian artists at the


Grita Insam Gallery Vienna/Austria: Zeichen-Sprache (‘Drawing Language’),

Frieden weltwärts (‘Peace Towards the World’), Peace Research Institute Schlaining/Austria (curated by Elisabeth von Samsonow and Cathrin Pichler).

Solo show Atrium ed Arte Gallery Vienna/Austria: Wien Verschwindet (‘Vienna Disappearing’)

Publications (selection)

Artist book noosphere (Salamon publishers; nominated for the German Photo Book Prize). Artist book Incipit Vita Nova (Kerber Verlag Berlin / Bielefeld). museum in progress, Camera Austria, Eikon.Featured artist in the almanac of the Salzburg Festival 2008. Photographic works for the concept volume Mozart Spuren (‘Traces of Mozart’) in the Viennese Year of Mozart 2006.

Works in Collections (selection)

MUMOK/Stiftung Ludwig Vienna. . Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. Museum Jena, Germany. Unicredit Bank Austria. Banca Carige Genoa/Italy. Vienna Insurance Group. Collection of the City of Vienna. Minoriten Gallery. Jenö Eisenberger collection. Thomas Griesbacher collection. Peter Coeln / Westlicht. Haecccc. 0+865. Marius Spannbauer.

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